Indirect bonding tray options The SMART™ Lingual indirect bonding system provides a secure, repeatable, fast and precise method customized to the patients' case and habit of the practitioner.
Straight wire appliances make it imperative that the brackets be positioned with accuracy in order to fully exploit the interaction of their written prescription. The SMART Lingual indirect bonding system offers the orthodontist the precision of the Hiro technique with the speed and efficiency of a full bonding tray, or individual tooth cap. You choose which option works best for you - or combine the advantages of both options for ultimate customizing to best suit your needs. This system has complete flexibility, even teeth that are difficult to isolate or re-bonds are simple and easy to handle.
EVOLUTION SLT™ SMART CAP lingual bonding system
EVOLUTION SLT™ SMART TRAY & CAP lingual bonding system